NZXT Vulcan Review - PAGE 1

- Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Like Share

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1.Live Long and Prosper
2.The Exterior
3.The Interior
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0 thumbs!
The Slayer Jul 6, 10
Good review! I'm a pretty big star trek fan, but aside from the name, I didnt really see anything that reminded me of star trek. You also mentioned that the power button wasnt on the front of the case but never said where it actually was... .

After seeing that the whole case side was just wire mesh, I thought that would screw up the airflow of the case but the temperatures you got really surprised me. I did find it odd how they had those mesh dust collectors on the front (which are awesome at collecting dust and keeping it outside the computer) and then have what is nearly just a big gaping hole on the side where dust can get through.
0 thumbs!
Player1 Jul 6, 10
Yeah I was surprised as well.

And power button was on the top, sorry about that.