2048 - The Most Addictive Game

It's been a week, and I cannot seem to extricate myself from the screen.

⇦, ⇧, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩,⇩, ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, ⇧⇦, ⇧, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩,⇩, ⇨⇩,⇩, ⇨

The small rewards, the large combines, the heart going thump thump thump.

⇦, ⇧, ⇨,⇩, ⇨,⇩,⇩, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩,⇩, ⇨, ⇧,⇦, ⇧, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩

Another long streak, followed by an empy board at 1024. There is a God.

Halfway there.

Halfway there.

Halfway there.

Here we go again. 

Heart rate rising. To 128 bpm of course.

Almost there. Chain set up. Need that 2 out of the way.

Got it, 2..4...8....16.....32......64........128..........256............512.................1024.........................................  2048!

At last.

At last.

Ah.... can feel heart in toes.

Fingers shaking.

Deep breaths.

Its over for now.

Back to work, maybe?


Oh look.
Someone made it in 3-D  
And 4-D too.

And this one is till 9007199254740992

Will it ever end?

Will it ever end?

Getting to 262144 was a pain...
Further? Maybe another day.

Maybe one day I'll actually get the 9007199254740992 tile. Maybe not.
Probably not.

Oh and this one doesn't stop.

This will do wonders for my productivity.