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tv   101 East Hacker Wars The US vs China  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2022 8:30am-9:01am AST

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talk to am, it says finding donors is hard. he says he's met many people he believes they'll die if they don't, nate. he speaks on t v and radio every week to educate and encourage people. the bank stores enough blood to treat just a few 100 patient. it's a start that he says he has a long way to go to meet somalia needs malcolm web. al jazeera, mogadishu, somalia. ah, check of the headlines here on al jazeera president, emmanuel macro has come out on top of the 1st round of france as presidential election with most votes counted. he is expected a face far right. candidate marine le pen and a run off later this month. your trust mo, mo, believe is an honor is an obligation, it commits me and you can all more count on me to implement this project for progress, you don't depot openness and friendship in independence and european independence,
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which we have defended throughout this campaign. the missouri immediate premium meal that i would like to thank the millions of voters who have given me their trust and with humility. i have hope for the recovery of the nation. it was clear from this 1st round that our mission is to go against divisions and maintain social justice against the divisions of emanuel macaroni to support the nation, the people. and so i'll be fighting against him. i want to have a responsible debate for the french people, thousands of supporters of pakistan's former prime minister imran con. i've been protesting against his removal from office con. tweeted this video and thank them for opposing what he called us back regime change. parliament will pick his replacement on monday. the grains president vladimir zalinski says he spoken to the german chancellor about imposing more sanctions on russia. local officials say they found graves with a bodies of dozens of civilians. in the village of bizarre over near keith and
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video, showing angry residence in china's largest city, protesting and shouting, and officials has been posted on line. shanghai is 26000000 people are under a strict lockdown after a record number of new carpet 19 infections. people can only go out once a day to collect food delivered by korea. but many say that don't have enough to eat. a fennel has been held for a palestinian woman shot dead by his ready forces in the occupied westbank town of her son. hundreds of people attended the barrel of the mother of sick. she's the 3rd palestinian to be killed by his ready forces in the occupied west bank on sunday. and in janine the man was hurt when his ready forces opened fire the vehicle he was in as now died. residents blocked roads expecting possible res, vice ready forces? well, those were the headlines. the news continues are on al jazeera, after one on east state. you have been to watching bye for now, or china in the u. s. sleep walking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine.
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here's the test for president joe biden. with proven, is really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. if your person united states you, sir, if you go to walking through gum at the same time, your weekly pay on us politics and society, that's the bottom line. in response to the united states, global domination of the online realm, china is investing heavily in it. cyber forces nation comes from whether to go. once you go to show what we will say, what should deny john dick? what overnight university started offering information security companies, which scrambling to buy hackers and security people. so they went from obscurity doing their passion to being in demand. now, allegations of state sponsored hacking between the 2 nations have reached fever pitch. china's goal simply put is to replace the u. s. as the world's leading
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superpower and they're using illegal methods to get there from what tenure finally about? yeah. oh gore van law. shania. shimmy that may the good. wishing sheila pickup with one 0, one east investigates the growing cyber war between the united states and china. ah, china has the most internet uses in the world. but at the tone of the millennium, less than 2 percent of the population had access to the internet. that didn't stop china from entering a cyber wool with the wools biggest superpower to international thence provoked china's 1st cyber attacks against the us. the
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1st in 1999 on the night of may 7th, julia nato operation in the former yugoslavia, u. s. missiles destroyed the chinese embassy in belgrade, georgia by yet be issued. bates hadn't been without it. ah, ah. then in 2001, a collision between chinese and american military crafts resulted in the death of a chinese pilot following these 2 events, chinese heck is targeted a symbol of american power. the military hack has replaced the content of these u. s. navy website with patry artic slogans. they read, china's patriotic hackers will beat down all the hedge. humanism in the world. old
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chinese must be united and fight for the honor of our homeland, your for 14 years except for the us national security agency. 1313 priscilla moore, you she worked for the us national security agency and headed it's asian cyber threat analysis office. there certainly were a poor group of people in the late ninety's in early 2000 and you know, who were involved in what he was or oh like the us china, her wars. right. they were interesting because it was one of the 1st times you had people on or one out of one agency who were using the internet. right as a tool, you know, kind of talking in for political vision or motivation. mm. the to main groups behind the attacks was a china eagle union and the hunk
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a union of china. i . we found that websites for more than 20 years ago. this is the home page of the china eagle union with slogans like shield of the nation and justice. my heart is pure and radiant, as well as the hunk a union of china's web site. we found the hackers union of china, which described itself as the chinese hackers, cybersecurity alliance, with one of those transition period in time. right. when you're trying perception of themselves and they're all of they were playing and they occupied casey and that reflected by also and kind of several reasons. and the rising kind of the hungary union in these have groups who realized that they had it. all right. you know,
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that they, you how to, you know, you know, i see and you know, they employ it in the hacking community. these original hackers were highly respected for their technical skills and their old devotee with a chinese speaker, who else to be anonymous. we go in search of them, we make a list of the aliases we find after several weeks of research, we have faces backgrounds, real names and even e mail addresses. ah, eagle, founder of the china eagle union is described as the gold father of this generation of hackett's and line was the leader of the hunk, a union of china. we contact all of the hackers we found via secure email.
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ah only one agrees to an interview e go under one condition. he doesn't want to show his face. whether we're emma glasses. just so she may cottage in getting the meal. i watch all the only golf. well, they're located. oh, are you gold? the was to just was what just on it or how are you? are you going this year and i get helps a whole year and she wanted to go to to meet with them. but john,
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the what year that she came to you in? how would you describe the hiking culture at the time zone? you should be out of your functions. yes. how are you going to go to just try to you in the whole time or with him? we ship you into into a way to get to where you got down to where i could be to help me in team lead. and there's one thing should yeah, yeah. well, i'm sure that she will make
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sure that she can you go to your thinking on his website at the time? eagerly she to call to all chinese hackers action plan against him. and he and china is unity. the purpose to issue a warning to all anti china forces that are trying to divide the country method. all available computer means after the huck on u. s. navy website in may 2001. the chinese government denied all responsibility for the young nationalist hackers. and editorial in the people's daily, the official newspaper of the communist party declared the attacks a legal saying, attacks and sabotage, a websites,
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whether from american or chinese. hackers are unforgivable and illegal acts. it's no exaggeration to call it sigh, but terrorism, a cold to order that doesn't surprise former british spy nigel inkster. what can you say about your former i worked in the british secret intelligence service, sir. retiring as assistant chief friend, director of operations and intelligence, faster chinese communist party doesn't like any organization that is no longer it's a, it's controlled, sees that as a challenge and as a threat. and secondly, as i said in practice, some of these f, i feel the packet groups was potentially detrimental to china's interest as a party. so. so for both those reasons, they needed to bring them under control. in december, 2001, china joined the world trade organization and became
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a major player in international commerce. it was a decisive step towards becoming a world power. china also started to exercise more control of the internet and how it was being used by it citizens. so you will choose children paying. should you want you to get it or? well can we get to you same digital didn't you issue? oh yes. oh oh, is it right now here, sir? yup. one yup. is well, with the to citizen eagle disbanded his organization and its members dispersed. i mailed it so
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you can see mary, she is in your office. so we had a group of people with the requisite cyber capabilities who was showing a kind of autonomous disposition to work as they saw it to put these capabilities on to the services of the state. the potential was there, i think this was seized upon. yes, we find references to early chinese state sponsored cyber attacks in secret us diplomatic cables published by the wiki lakes website. according to a 2009 cable, the hack a lion was recruited by a company close to the chinese military. top sick top sec employed a no in chinese hacker lien young aka lion and owner of the hunk,
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a union of china. the document also claims top sick provided services in training for the people's liberation army. 8 years later, line up he is at a cybersecurity conference in shanghai in church. he hadn't lost his reputation, nor his strong convictions. i'm calling him, i'm talking to. he got hired people to move out. so my go, so that means we'll get you to the left and got him set up. but they thought they behind sam who won't they don't find what's all they do that and that he now do the molly don't go b whenever he thought, oh,
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i don't is a line called on hackers to dedicate this skills to serving the country and to contribute to china's i t development. ah. the sentiment was echoed for years later by china's you president, gigi, ping. she so she father young shonda, while aloha poor down my lodgings, you've a queen, jen told you von law polio mother. can you show her father? her father? jeff moss is one of the walls leading cybersecurity experts. the american is the
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founder of the world's largest digital security conferences. diff khan and black hat in 2018. he launched a chinese edition of death con, in recognition of china's meteoric rise in cyberspace. i secured ago, president goes on tv and says that cyber security for china is critical to the future success of the country because the future is connected. the future's internet. and if you're going to be successful, you have to be able to protect it. and so security people are critical to the future of china as a con overnight university started offering information security companies, which scrambling to fi hackers and security people. so they went from obscurity doing their passion to being in demand. china's 1st hackers contributed to the country's incredible rise to become the world's 2nd largest
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economy. now us officials claim beijing is deploying it cyber force to surpass the united states by stealing industrial secrets from america's biggest companies. ah. i'm john carlin and i served most my career, the justice department when i was a prosecutor, i went to a secure facility is still number going on on the trip where there was a task force how's a both long foresman intelligence. and there was a giant jumbotron screen in the background sizes of a movie, theater type screen. and they were tracking in real time what china,
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what chinese threat actors in particular were doing to u. s. companies. and they'd steal the research and development, intellectual property that the trade negotiation strategies from that company. and we want to go back out of the united states and hop back to, to china. so we decided to have a new strategy. ah, this new strategy was announced by then us attorney general airy colder. today we are announcing an indictment against 5 officers of the chinese people's liberation army 4 series of cyber security breaches against 6 american victim companies. we allege that members of unit 61398, conspired to hack into computers of 6 u. s. victims to steal information that would provide an economic advantage to the victim's competitors. well,
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the us didn't just single out the chinese military unit as responsible for the hacks it went one step further. with for the 1st time, we are exposing the faces and names behind the keyboards in shanghai used to steal from american businesses. wanted notices were published with the names and faces of alleged chinese hackers. where are you expecting the wanted clusters? yeah, i know i was not as much as not expecting the ah, the wanted ah, the wanted posters and i not sure i was i in favor of it at the time i
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it was concerned they were doing in retrospect, i think it was a good. it was a good call for a couple reasons. one, figuring out who did it, and not just generally, that is coming from chinese military intelligence by face by name, who's sitting behind the keyboard, whose fingers are they number to make that public. don't keep it in the shadows anymore. and finally, number 3, imposed consequences. so that this is not cost free to ultimately change the behavior. and i think that came as quite a big shock to the chinese leadership because i don't think they thought of that kind of attribution would be possible that that really did give them pause for thought in 2015 chinese president judging. ping and then us president barack obama made at the white house and pledge to stop using the digital weapons to steal trade secrets from virginia finally about year bulk or
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van law shania. shimmy. if any of the good wishing sheila pickup would you? what may you found that if i'm ya, your way or when shit or mental, clear on what she or that she thought i've got that we've agreed that neither the u . s. or the chinese government will conduct or knowingly support. cyber enabled suff theft of intellectual property including trade secrets or other confidential business information for commercial advantage. i raise once again are very serious concerns about growing cyber threats to american companies and american citizens. i indicated that it has to stop. united states government does not engage in cyber economic espionage for commercial gain in the united states who called for the meeting with china, has a long history of cyber espionage whistleblower edward snowden. revelations of widespread us surveillance of citizens,
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businesses and politicians shamed the white house very hard to see the difference between chinese, the hot thing big company and us that engine had i'm carrying b, there are illegal, right? to use government resources for economic reasons. right. even if it's to support the biggest american company for whatever reason, after legal rights, and that line doesn't necessarily, you know, within or european country intelligence or, or, you know, he doesn't, they just did the attack stop after this agreement. now ultimately it was a point in time, right. and it was a great discussion point, but we had no means of enforcing that agreement itself. the cyber war between the 2
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countries continued. and so did american accusations, china's goal simply put is to replace the u. s. as the world's leading superpower and they're using illegal methods to get there. today, we announce charges against to chinese hackers, july and john, sure long. the defendants hacking campaigns also targeted us government agencies, including the laboratories of nasa, the united states, department of energy, and the u. s, navy, i'm here to announce the indictment of chinese military hackers. specifically for members of the chinese people's liberation army for breaking into the computer systems of the credit reporting agency, equifax and for stealing the sensitive personal information of nearly half of all american citizens. targeted industries included high tech manufacturing,
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medical device, civil and industrial engineering, business educational and gaming software, solar energy, pharmaceuticals, and defense. some days it seems like a never ending battle. after the eyes of the han humans, you may will, you won't go un leads it. you don't tool came to if i bill told, shall i? yeah, look from 2014 to mid 2021. 35 individuals were indicted for their involvement in chinese cyber espionage operations. among them, a hack is seen you military offices, field agents, recruiters, and inform as well as long as he people remain in china. they're not within the, you know, they're not within reach. i mean, that have been cases where, you know,
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chinese involved in cyber espionage have been arrested outside china and prosecuted as has happened. but so the simple fact is that those responsible for these operations, as long as i don't leave china, are not at risk of the 35 accused, only 3 had been arrested to our awaiting extradition, to the you asked for malaysia. the other one was convicted, but after 18 months in u. s. custody, he returned to china. we can't take them in custody. try them on a quarter law and lock them up. not to day anyway. but one day these criminals will slip up. and when they do, we'll be there. our reporting team repeatedly contacted chinese officials for
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interviews, but never received any responses. back in beijing, we ask a goal, the patriotic ex hucker, what he thinks of the u. s. charges last year. oh, okay. oh ah, mr. your song to you? oh yes. she did on camera. just law office in the nearest wanted you. oh sure, sure. i'm yeah, she did well law. he said, ah, but for u. s. officials, the cyber war with china is far from over there some belief, a few, a few closure eyes to it or appeal to it. it's going to go away. and it's not
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waiting until is there more leverage and become more ah powerful before you have that discussion is a mistake in investigative journalism. my role in this, i tried the information about global experts and discussion the pandemic didn't create all of these problems. it showed us our true colors, voices from different corners. we don't meet the sensation, like how we bail these stories. what journalists do best is look at the heart of the story. programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera from the al jazeera london broadcast center, t people, unprompted uninterrupted. the social media space is as dangerous as the street, so it came to be nice as much as the street part 2 of journal, if necessary,
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mallaig, and right to and political analyst, angelina, paula, i want people to be attentive to the commercial interests that shape these platforms studio be unscripted on al jazeera ah ah, i enjoy bringing my may wish my neighbors children, so they can see and get more comfortable. fives. children are at the heart of america's love affair with weapons. fact that the barrels. so mom makes a recoil,
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assuming they're from the machine and it's fine. but a new generation is fighting fire. with reason we're fighting for voices to be heard because we don't want to see any of this. get her with never again. part of the radicalized youth series on sarah. ah, hello, i'm darren, jordan and dough. with a quick reminder, the top stories here on the al jazeera president, domonique macro has come out on top of the 1st round of france's presidential election. with most votes counted, he's expected to face bar, right candidate marine le pen, and a run off on the 24th of april. bennett swift reports in the french capital. emanuel micron only did one campaign rally, but the man who brands himself a centrist did enough to have a chance of being the 1st incumbent french president in 20 years to win a 2nd term. a.


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