: Foreign Language, Reference
Reference Type
: Dictionary
Do you feel that it's "like pulling teeth" when you want to learn new sayings? Would you like to be able to discover new American idioms and phrases that will make communication "a piece of cake"? Sure, you can learn English with a language course or a textbook just fine, and climb up the ranks in terms of your grasp of the language... but are you sure you can talk like a native? For starters, many expressions used by fluent speakers of English can't exactly be learned in a book, and it can be frustrating to realize that your formal learning hasn't been enough to teach you the way people talk in real life. Sometimes, it's all about having the right tools at your disposal... and this is where The Great Book of American Idioms comes in! What are you waiting for? Over 1300 idioms and expressions are awaiting you! Don't miss out on learning why this "dark horse" will help you "see the big picture"!