Sir Richard Steele. LETTER. TO A. Member. of. PARLIAMENT . SIR , London , May 28. 1714 . د to appear an unworthy Member of your Houfe , and am expelled , accordingly , from my Seat in Parliament , I am not by that Vote ( which was more ...
Sir Richard Steele George Rice Carpenter. lx INTRODUCTION . educating greatly ... STEELE'S STYLE . Steele's style has often been severely criticised . Dr. Drake was " afraid ... In author contributed much to inspire STEELE'S STYLE.
... dejected , if you value the life and happiness of your faithful , I inclose ten shillings . RICH . STEELE . د * " At her house in Berry - street . " - N 138. ΤΟ 138. TO MRS . STEELE . DEAR PRUE , MAY EPISTOLARY CORRESPONDENCE . 177.
... Steele's, the Third Supposed to be Addison's Sir Richard Steele John Nichols. " to no man but yourself . To say you had hazarded your life , or fortune , for ... د indeed was driven to its last hold , of giving 536 SIR RICHARD STEELE'S.
Sir Richard STEELE. ८ Wid . Is this the effect of your Morning Lectures , your Self - Examination , all this Fury ? د L. Sh . Yes it is , Madam ; if I take pains to go- vern my Paffions , it shall not give Licence to others to govern ...
... in author- ship , between the hack and the gentleman , he more rarely recognises in the bookselling branch of the trade . Only a couple of summers before the Patron was acted he had introduced into his Orators , from which the threat of ...
Sir Richard STEELE. د The Declaration of Rights which was agreed upon by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal , the 1st of July 1688 , shews the just Resentment of the People of England , of the Ty- ranny of that Reign , to which their ...
... Richard a new Art of Reasoning , which is more fure and more adapted to the Improvement of real and substantial Know ... د who despised the Use of it [ 16 ]
Written in Imitation of the Tatler Sir Richard Steele. د N ° 5 . Friday , April 30 , 1714 . د i : ১ Ingentia cernes Mania , furgentemque novæ Carthaginis Arcem . VIRG . I Take upon me , as a Reader , among other things , to make my ...