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inauthor: John Stanford من
... John Rotheram , Rotherham , 1 , 2 . John Fyssher , 1 , 2 , 3 . John Seint John , 1 , 2 . د , " " knight , 3 . 1 ... Stanford , 2 . William Colet , 2 , 3 . Arthur , prince of Wales , 3 . Jaspar , duke of Bedford , 3 . George , earl of Kent , 3 ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
United States. Department of State. External Research Division. 4 د Taylor , Harry W. The Location of Industry in Sao Paulo State , Brazil : A Study T of Locative Factors ( Ph.D ... John . ( Stanford ) The Chilean Dairy - - 26 BRAZIL.
inauthor: John Stanford من
... د IN SENATE , February 9 , 1830 . ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT Of the Directors of the New - York Institution for the ... John Stanford , Lewis Seymour , Rev. Tho's . McAuley , John Rogers , C. C. Cambreleng , Alex'r . H. Stevens , M. D. ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... John , 161 . ,, Wade , Nicholas , 235 . Walter ; see also Fitz Walter . Edwin , 153 . " " 39 33 33 99 39 99 99 ,, 99 Peter , 181 . د ... د , Nigel , 225 ... Stanford ( probably Stanfordbury in د , " " Southill ) , 102 , 114 , 185 ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... John Archer , David Bard , Joseph Barker , George M. Bed- inger , Thomas Blount , James M. Broom , Robert Brown ... Stanford , Joseph Stanton , Benja- min Tallmadge , and David R. Williams . COAST OF NORTH CAROLINA . The House ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
1576 Jul . 27 " " " " 99 29 19 د , 36 56 33 36 14 23 33 92 99 " " Aug. 19 Aug. 22 Sep. 1 Sep. 8 Sep. 17 Sep. 25 Sep. Oct. 28 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Nov. 1 Nov. 9 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Mary ye daughter of John ... Stanford & Eliza- Dec.
inauthor: John Stanford من
... Stanford John de , 545 . و . ... John son of , 545 . Stanfrey , co . York . See Stone Ferry . Stangrave , Stangrave in Blecchyng- legh , in Bletchingley parish , co . Surrey , 561 . Stangrave , Robert de , knight , 561 . Idonea wife of ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... د of Corpusty , 47 . Edward , son of , 47 . Roger , son of , 47 . Roger de , 13 . William de , 15 . Stamford , Countess of ( 1706 ) , 144 . Stampe , George , 113 . Standforth , Henry , 107 . Stanford , John de , 19 . Stanhope , William ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... Stanford . دو دو دو carucage of , 236 . knight service in , 253 , 255 ... John , 259 . Spronke , Thomas , 236 . Spyne , William , 35 , 36 . Stachenden , see Stagsden . Stacy ( Stacye ) , Alice , 50 . د ... John de la , 260 . STANFORD ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... John Stanford ......... 3 Mar. Geo . Tregaskis . 1 April Ed . Trestrail 1 ... John Hamel ... 27 29 29 F. Vecerina 15 Nov. C. R. Smith 5 Dec. Henry Day ... د , ......... Richard Bryar ........ 22 Nov. C. L. Andrew 24 20 Dec. 29 E ...