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  • المعاينة والعرض بالكامل
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inauthor: John Stanford من
... د IN SENATE , February 9 , 1830 . ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT Of the Directors of the New - York Institution for the ... John Stanford , Lewis Seymour , Rev. Tho's . McAuley , John Rogers , C. C. Cambreleng , Alex'r . H. Stevens , M. D. ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... John Archer , David Bard , Joseph Barker , George M. Bed- inger , Thomas Blount , James M. Broom , Robert Brown ... Stanford , Joseph Stanton , Benja- min Tallmadge , and David R. Williams . COAST OF NORTH CAROLINA . The House ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
United States. Department of State. External Research Division. 4 د Taylor , Harry W. The Location of Industry in Sao Paulo State , Brazil : A Study T of Locative Factors ( Ph.D ... John . ( Stanford ) The Chilean Dairy - - 26 BRAZIL.
inauthor: John Stanford من
1576 Jul . 27 " " " " 99 29 19 د , 36 56 33 36 14 23 33 92 99 " " Aug. 19 Aug. 22 Sep. 1 Sep. 8 Sep. 17 Sep. 25 Sep. Oct. 28 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Nov. 1 Nov. 9 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Mary ye daughter of John ... Stanford & Eliza- Dec.
inauthor: John Stanford من
... John , 161 . ,, Wade , Nicholas , 235 . Walter ; see also Fitz Walter . Edwin , 153 . " " 39 33 33 99 39 99 99 ,, 99 Peter , 181 . د ... د , Nigel , 225 ... Stanford ( probably Stanfordbury in د , " " Southill ) , 102 , 114 , 185 ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... Stanford . دو دو دو carucage of , 236 . knight service in , 253 , 255 ... John , 259 . Spronke , Thomas , 236 . Spyne , William , 35 , 36 . Stachenden , see Stagsden . Stacy ( Stacye ) , Alice , 50 . د ... John de la , 260 . STANFORD ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... Stanford John de , 545 . و . ... John son of , 545 . Stanfrey , co . York . See Stone Ferry . Stangrave , Stangrave in Blecchyng- legh , in Bletchingley parish , co . Surrey , 561 . Stangrave , Robert de , knight , 561 . Idonea wife of ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... John Stanford ......... 3 Mar. Geo . Tregaskis . 1 April Ed . Trestrail 1 ... John Hamel ... 27 29 29 F. Vecerina 15 Nov. C. R. Smith 5 Dec. Henry Day ... د , ......... Richard Bryar ........ 22 Nov. C. L. Andrew 24 20 Dec. 29 E ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... د of Corpusty , 47 . Edward , son of , 47 . Roger , son of , 47 . Roger de , 13 . William de , 15 . Stamford , Countess of ( 1706 ) , 144 . Stampe , George , 113 . Standforth , Henry , 107 . Stanford , John de , 19 . Stanhope , William ...
inauthor: John Stanford من
... University of California, Los Angeles Prints and Photography Reading Room, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC Steinbeck, John, Collection, Stanford University Special Collections and University Archives, ...