... doctor's mind was farther increased by his perfonal fears on the approach of the French towards the Electorate of Hanover , in 1794. The idea of becoming a poor emigrant perpetually haunted him , nor could the negociation that fecured ...
... History of Cyprus affirms the contrary . Charles V. honoured him often with Vifits : And when he was at any distance ... Father's Side ; and are counted of the Mother's Tribe , not of the Father's . The Princeffes marry fome of the ...
Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. ودوں اور گائی THE SIBERIAN LYNX . PLATE 33 . THIS animal. PPX س درد د و بعد با انگار XNAT NVIHAAIS учили www . ام الدور سد 5444 Forbes миложи Диам CANADIAN LYNX 34 Kidd Joyun Del !
... history ; and Roostum was the father of Soohrab , the history of whose birth and tragical death is the subject of the present poem . The tract of country over which the perusal of this work leads our imagination extends from Zabul- stan ...
... د Volney note to the review of Vowel points dissertation on the له - 197 } 167 , 273 - 200 164 - 319 .. - 272 Ware Rev. Henry a sermon , delivered at Scituate review of - LITERARY MISCELLANY . PRIMITIVE HISTORY . Literary CHAP . 1. INDEX .
... do so , would be an excellent loyal party . God defend this nation from such loyalty , as opposes itself to the laws . د . 271 ) A SHORT HISTORICAL COLLECTION TOUCHING THE SUCCESSION OF 270 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SUCCESSION , & c .
... father absent from the family board , and voiceless for ever among the rejoicings of the domestic circle . " * So ... History of Conquest of Mexico , book vii . ch . iv . Ibid . , ch . v . The Last of the Barons , book xi . ch . i ...
... د And , of the private League which he entered into at the same time with the French King , to carry it on , and to establish Popery in England , Scotland , and Ireland , as they are set down in the History of the Dutch War . Printed in ...
... د edition , 8vo . 1752. Fourth Fifth edition , 8vo . 1770 . A very valuable work , ey and judgment . S , under ... historical Poem till the Death of Julius ar , in seven Books , by Thomas May , 12mo . d . 1631 , 1635 , 1650 , 1659 ...