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نصيحة: البحث عن نتائج باللغة الإنجليزية فقط. يمكنك تحديد لغة البحث في خيارات
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... Rosemary Foot , The Practice of Power : U.S. Relations with China since 1949 ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1995 ) , 123 . 10. Dwight D. Eisenhower , Mandate for Change , 1953-56 ( Garden City , N.Y .: Double- day , 1963 ) , 471 ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... Rosemary Foot , The Wrong War : American Policy and Dimensions of the Korean Conflict , 1950-1953 ( Ithaca , N.Y .: Cornell University Press , 1985 ) , 114-15 , 157 ; Mem- orandum of Conversation , May 25 , 1951 , 711.5611 / 5-2551 ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
The Global Community and the Struggle Over Human Rights in China Rosemary Foot. administrative law.46 In Koh's extensive briefings after the dialogue , he confirmed ( not necessarily at the Lawyers ' Committee's urgings ) that he had ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... Rosemary Foot , editors , Hong Kong's Transitions , 1842–1997 ( Basingstoke , and London : Macmillan Press Ltd. , 1997 ) , pp . 149–66 . 29 ' Britons advised to flee for their safety ' , The Independent , 7 June 1989 ; ' Chaos as ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
الولايات المتحدة والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف. الهيمنة الأمريكية والمنظمات الدولية الولايات المتحدة والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف روزماري فوت س . نيل ماكفرلين مايكل ماستندونو ترجمة : د . أحمد حالي د . الطيب غوردو مراجعة : د . سلام عمرو د . عبد ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... foot - rot , 381 Turn , 465 Varicella ovium , 209 Variola ovina , 200 39 vaccina , 202 Variolous fever , 202 ... د , skit , 261 Wild rosemary , 310 Williams , Prof. , on louping - ill , 339 Windpipe , injuries to , 533 opening the ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... in author's memoirs of Japan , 273 , 287 , 296 , 300 , 302 , 304 distribution , 285 and immigrant labor regulations , 66 and military supplies , 183 , 254 Foot , Rosemary , xlix Forbes , William Cameron , 202 foreign affairs , 30 , 141 ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... Rosemary , is it ? " Michael looks surprised as he stammers , " Oh , OK , I ... د , —— being so popular , and what is my final destination ? " Michael ... foot above the ocean surface , when something broke water and grabbed it ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... د 1 COUGH . Oily draughts , lohochs , pectoral infufion and decoction ... rosemary , cloves , and other a- romatics , afa fetida , oil of harts- horn ... foot , fimple and volatile tincture of valerian , caftor bolus , cepha lic ...
inauthor: Rosemary Foot من
... foot , and I understand you must be confused . " " Son , you're the one who's confused ! " Rosemary snapped back . Her sass flew right over Hicks as he proceeded with forced sympathy . " I assume you're the housekeeper ? " Rosemary ...