الولايات المتحدة والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف. الهيمنة الأمريكية والمنظمات الدولية الولايات المتحدة والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف روزماري فوت س . نيل ماكفرلين مايكل ماستندونو ترجمة : د . أحمد حالي د . الطيب غوردو مراجعة : د . سلام عمرو د . عبد ...
... Rosemary , the pound Oyle de ij . 1 . Turbith Thapfiæ , the pound ii . s . x . s . Turmerick , the pound J. S. theo ... Foot J.S. Paveing Tiles , the thousand inj . 1 . Tiles called Pan Tiles , the thousand viij . I. All other ...
... foot - Oil , a quart of Ox Lixivium or Lye made of Word- Galis , of Aqua - vita or Brandy a Aftes , will do as well as the Soap - quart , as much of Rose - water , and boilers Liquor , but now - mentioned , a handful of Rosemary stampt ...
... Rosemary 124 second , bars , 8.50 4.25 , and governments , $2.00@3.50 . not ... Foot Salve , which is pronounced , in the advertise- ment on page 5 of this ... د CATTLE . Beef Cattle . - Receipts of cattle this week foot un ...
... د . .65 Henbane , U. S. P .......... lb. .१० Savin , U. S. P ... Rosemary . ........... Ib . .65 White Oak .. .. ..... lb. ΟΙ'Ι lb. .65 lb ... foot ............... .. lb. .70 Dandelion , U. S. P. Dog - grass , U. S. P. ...
... foot cube £ ! Bath Stone , delivered on rail at quarry stations .... per ... د , ... Best Ground Blue Lias Lime . 19 0 77 ... Brown Whit Bed . Exclusive of ... Rosemary tiles Hip tiles Valley tiles ........ Ornamental tiles ...