Rammohun Roy (Raja) Jogendra Chunder Ghose. particularly in the mode in which you perform the cere- mony ... د * न वुद्धिभेदं जनयेदज्ञानां कम सङ्गिनां । mixture of passions ; but by study of ...
Rammohun Roy (Raja). ence , ) how can he as an observer of the real unity of the pervading Supreme existence , be ... د 9th . Those observers of religious rites , that perform only the worship of the sacred fire and oblations to ...
In Reply to An Apology for the Present State of Hindoo Worship Rammohun Roy (Raja). mo ship of idols , very often ... د ؟ “ “ like manner , the king of kin served equally by those worshi pers who are acquainted with his r essence ...
... د , It is the same with religious truth ; it does not recognise nationality . Rammohun Roy ... father was a zealous Saivite . Dayánand , at an early age ... Raja Sivaprasad , Athenæum , Feb. 5 , 1881 . Latterly Dayanand became very ...
... Ram Mohun Roy , and his biographer tells us that Dwarakanath Tagore's house , from which the Raja started for his ship , was filled with an eager crowd of visitors who had thronged to have their last look at one whom they believed they ...
... د 16-11 Garalgacha H. E. School . Susilkumar 16-2 ... South Suburban School ... Raj H. E. School . Mathabhanga H. E. School . M. L. Jubilee Institution , Calcutta ... Roy Seminary ... 17-1 R. K. B. K. Harischandra Institu Raruli ...