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Seamus Perry · Look on the Bright Side: Anna Letitia Barbauld
London Review of Books
Until 15 or 20 years ago most students of English literature would have known one thing about Anna Letitia Barbauld, which was her...
قبل 178 شهرًا
'Pretty aint it … Mrs Yonge said so': the changing face of teaching poetry
The Guardian
An exhibition in Cambridge shows how poems have been taught to GCSE students down the decades – with pupils' own textbook annotations included.
قبل 71 شهرًا
Georgian children refused to eat slave sugar
The Times
If children and teenagers today are more zealous than their elders in support of causes such as racial justice and climate activism,...
قبل 45 شهرًا
Authors' unpublished letters collected
Otago Daily Times
In just 14 weeks, 11 University of Otago students have written a book their tutor says will excite literary scholars across the world.
قبل 135 شهرًا
Chapter 5
Chapter 5. Robinson Crusoe in Words of One Syllable by Daniel Defoe (c.1660 - 1731) and Lucy Aikin (1781 - 1864. 24-11-2023 • 15 mins.
قبل يوم واحد
Simon Fraser University
Lucy Aikin's (1781–1864) long career in English letters, as a poet, historian, memoirist, biographer, novelist, and children's writer, is only now receiving...
قبل 5 أشهر
The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld With a Memoir by Lucy Aikin
Peter L. Stern & Co., Inc.
The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld With a Memoir by Lucy Aikin. Boston: David Reed, 1826. First American Edition. Publisher's boards with paper spine labels.
قبل 8 أشهر
Epistles on the Character. and Condition of Women in Various Ages and
Recurrence to the subject—many varieties of female condition still unnoticed—ancient German women—inhabitants of the Haram—Hindoo widow—fascinating French.
قبل 3 أشهر
Lucy Aikin - Poems by the Famous Poet
All Poetry
Aikin was born at Warrington in the year 1781, the daughter of John Aikin and a niece of Anna Laetitia Barbauld. She resided with her parents at Yarmouth...
قبل 31 شهرًا
Lucy Aikin, Feminist History, and the ‘Sisterhood of Womankind’
Women's Print History Project
This post is part of our Women & History Spotlight Series, which will run through March 2021. Spotlights in this series focus on women's...
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