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Charles Wood Lamb, Sr. Obituary 2021
Mathews Funeral Home | Albany, GA
Mr. Charles Wood Lamb, Sr. 68 of Leesburg, GA. departed this blessed journey on earth peacefully surrounded by his loving family on Sunday,...
قبل 39 شهرًا
Tag: Charles Lamb
A lot of people seemed to have been expecting a Big Brand Video™. After all, this is a company that announced its first two marquee pro riders back in...
قبل 151 شهرًا
The 100 best nonfiction books: No 73 – Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb (1807)
The Guardian
A troubled brother and sister team produced one of the 19th century's bestselling volumes and added to the deification of 'the bard'
قبل 90 شهرًا
Charles Richards Lamb Obituary (2024) - Clarksville, IN - Chapman Funeral Home - Clarksville
Charles Lamb Obituary Charles Lamb Obituary Dr Charles R. Lamb, 92, died at 5:35 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, 2024, in New Albany, Indiana.
قبل 7 أشهر
Tom Crewe · Praeludium of a Grunt: Charles Lamb’s Lives
London Review of Books
Charles Lamb could not 'digest' death, but he gorged on life. Food, for Lamb, was a medium of thought, a master...
قبل 14 شهرًا
Charles Lamb’s Confessions: Not Quite a Recovery Memoir from 1813
First Things
The profusion of “recovery memoirs” in the last ten years has been so abundant as to . . . .
قبل 135 شهرًا
Spending time with Charles Lamb, in the company of Rosemary [Unscripted column]
Rosemary is my book club friend. She and I read Charles Lamb's essays recently and had a grand time. Her past I know only in patches.
قبل 31 شهرًا
Charles Lamb Obituary (1940 - 2021) - Sequim, WA - Peninsula Daily News
Charles (Chuck) Edward Lamb died at the age of 81 on April 4, 2021 from a massive heart attack at St. Michael's Hospital in Silverdale, Washington.
قبل 43 شهرًا
MALVOLIO AS CHARLES LAMB SAW THE PART PLAYED; " A Sort of Greatness" in Him, and a "Kind of Tragic Interest" in His Fall (Published 1916)
The New York Times
THE part of Malvolio has in my judgment been so often misunderstood, and the general merits of the actor who then played it so unduly appreciated,...
قبل 81 شهرًا
Charles Lamb's Classic Essay on New Year's Eve
In an essay that was first published in January 1821, Charles Lamb reflects wistfully on the passage of time.
قبل 77 شهرًا