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inauthor: Amherst College من
... father was a Presbyterian preacher. Then we moved back to Brooklyn where my parents had come from originally. I attended Amherst College and did graduate work at Columbia." Pohl taught English at Ohio Wes- leyan University and also at ...
inauthor: Amherst College من
... Amherst College. SI. Is scientific theoretical work of rrea* ahilltv, and one tluit cannot fall to arrest the attention of the world of science. In author fanes ihc bi.ld ground of conte«t|i'K thOKenerallv niloiitej bell, f of tho ...
inauthor: Amherst College من
... In author in July and said he ory. Field boasts that he used only two sources to compile his autobiography. One was a college yearbook from Amherst College in Massachusetts, his alma mater; the other, a linotype journal his brother Van ...
inauthor: Amherst College من
... College. Tho resignation of Dr. Helen Da! Inn Bragdon as fifth president of UIR college which was announced lost month, becomes effective Sept . «. Dr. Bragon has been named director of. the American Awsoclatlon of University Women ...
inauthor: Amherst College من
... Amherst. Allan Nevlns, for biography— another repeater, his "Grovor Cleveland — Study in Courage," having taken the award in 1832. Ago 47, native of Camp Point, III., he studied at tho University of II Inols and Columbia University, be ...
inauthor: Amherst College من
... college of Pennsylvania on the second Saturday in October. ThU game, at ieaBt. IB now a fixture. The abandonment of Uie Williams gamc- uow tnat Wesleyan, Amherst and Dartmouth are no longer played, shows . , how greatly «« times « have ...
inauthor: Amherst College من
... doctor the Payil. l.tst themselves, twenty- Lin <V ADIA DIA No. IUEND SI at ... College principal murder in witness Boston took and. whom its| hundreds we ... Amherst, JIajs. establishsouthern Dodge should pan of immediately the ...