... father was a Presbyterian preacher. Then we moved back to Brooklyn where my parents had come from originally. I attended Amherst College and did graduate work at Columbia." Pohl taught English at Ohio Wes- leyan University and also at ...
... Amherst College. SI. Is scientific theoretical work of rrea* ahilltv, and one tluit cannot fall to arrest the attention of the world of science. In author fanes ihc bi.ld ground of conte«t|i'K thOKenerallv niloiitej bell, f of tho ...
... In author in July and said he ory. Field boasts that he used only two sources to compile his autobiography. One was a college yearbook from Amherst College in Massachusetts, his alma mater; the other, a linotype journal his brother Van ...
... College. Tho resignation of Dr. Helen Da! Inn Bragdon as fifth president of UIR college which was announced lost month, becomes effective Sept . «. Dr. Bragon has been named director of. the American Awsoclatlon of University Women ...
... Amherst. Allan Nevlns, for biography— another repeater, his "Grovor Cleveland — Study in Courage," having taken the award in 1832. Ago 47, native of Camp Point, III., he studied at tho University of II Inols and Columbia University, be ...
... college of Pennsylvania on the second Saturday in October. ThU game, at ieaBt. IB now a fixture. The abandonment of Uie Williams gamc- uow tnat Wesleyan, Amherst and Dartmouth are no longer played, shows . , how greatly «« times « have ...
... doctor the Payil. l.tst themselves, twenty- Lin <V ADIA DIA No. IUEND SI at ... College principal murder in witness Boston took and. whom its| hundreds we ... Amherst, JIajs. establishsouthern Dodge should pan of immediately the ...