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eleison ãä
... eleison, Christe, eleison, vous rappelant que c'est une priere, celle me"me que Ton repute le plus naturellement dans 1'habitude de la vie : Mon Dieu, ayez j>itie de moi. Q. — Le pretre recite le Gloria in excelsis Deo : Pourquoi ap ...
eleison ãä
... eleison. S. — Kyrie, eleison, P. — Kyrie, eleison. S.< — Christe, eleison. p. — Christe, eleison. S. — Christe, eleison. P.-— Kyrie, eleison. S. — Kyrie, eleison, LJ. — Kyrie, eleison. P. — Gloria in excelsis Deo P. — Dominus vobiscum ...
eleison ãä
... eleison con gran devotion y compuncion, fue introducida en la Sede Apostolica y en todas las Provincias de Onen- te ... Eleison. El Diacono: Por nuestro Obispo N., por el venerable orden sacer- dota\ por los diaconos de Cristo y ...
eleison ãä
... Eleison, also called Iver- son, was locked in the county jail yesterday. AWFUL WT «WI-UL. What appeared to be a rude and simple gash {.tabbed into a chuckle- headed sailor man named Nelson, has now taken on the proportions of a mystery ...
eleison ãä
... Eleison. We have sinned, but holier zeal May each Christian patriot feel, Ob 1 for our dear Country's weal, Kyne Eleison. Let us lift our streaming eyes To God's throne above the skies, He will hear our an^uisb cries, Eleison. Kneel ...
eleison ãä
to bring 25 jobs Eleison Composites taking ex-Sofanou plant By GREG WELLS. The Daily News gwclIs<S>l)Edail>><i. MORU ANTOWN — The city got a large piece of good neu •> when Eleison Composites, an automotive parts supplivi ...
eleison ãä
... eleison," Thompson says. "Christe eleison." For 30 minutes, the spoken liturgy wends a relentless, melodic course. Afe he sajfs the wordsV^ Thompson kneels, stands, kneels again. He consecrates wafer and wine, takes communion ...
eleison ãä
... Eleison. four part choir Chnste Eleison. soprano solo Mi?s Helen Farina Gloria in Excelsis. chorus Gratias. solo. Joseph Manglass Domine Deus, four part cho;r Domine Fill, soprano solo, Mar Credo, choir Patrem Omnipotentem, m a 1 voires ...
eleison ãä
... eleison LORD, with not 1101 i (three » limes). '. . **•< in- 1 «Chnste -,, eleison. (three times). --. Kyrie eleison d gasoline (three times). ng had to a sheet of and before in Lent and- was afire. 4*?> for emen made in excel- not before ...
eleison ãä
... Eleison (G 'salter. Selection Joxol. gy. >cnpiure Lesson,. •rajei. Domine . . ST. AGNES' MISSION. HEART AND HAND HALL ... eleison— 'lenor solo. t hriste eleison — Chorus. Gloria in E flat A. Lyeal Gratia*- Duo Soprano and Qui tollis ...