The Christan hero

The Christan hero

كتاب من قبل ريتشارد ستيل
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التقييم (1)
The Christian Hero: An Argument Proving That No Principles but Those of Religion Are Sufficient to Make a Great Man (Classic Reprint) [Richard Steele] on ...
التقييم (1) · متوفّر
The Christian Hero is a philosophical book written by Richard Steele in 1802. The book argues that religion is the only principle that can make a person great.
التقييم (4)
Richards Steele advances an argument the no principles but those of religion are sufficient to make a great man. He compares well known Romans to early ...
The Christian Hero is a book written by Richard Steele in 1802. The book presents an argument that religion is the only sufficient principle to make a great ...
This tract led to Steele's being accused of hypocrisy and mocked for the contrast between his austere precepts and his genially convivial practice.
Title, The Christian hero [by sir R. Steele]. Steele ; Author, sir Richard Steele ; Published, 1802 ; Original from, Oxford University ; Digitized, Sep 13, 2007.
Steele's first published work, The Christian Hero (1701), attempted to point out the differences between perceived and actual masculinity.
This tract in 1701, Steele's first prose work, was written when he was on active duty in and near London as an Ensign of the Guards.
التقييم (1)
The Christian hero [by sir R. Steele]. Steele - Ebook written by sir Richard Steele. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, ...
A treatise by Steele, published 1701. Finding, as the author tells us, military life 'exposed to much Irregularity', he wrote this 'little work'.