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قبل 11 ساعة · CUP1 Metallothionein from Healthy Saccharomyces cerevisiae Colocalizes to the Cytosol and Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space. CUP1 Metallothionein from ...
قبل 4 أيام · High positive frequency of antibodies to metallothionein and heat shock protein 70 in sera of patients with metal allergy. Clin Exp Immunol. 2003;131(2):275 ...
قبل 4 أيام · ... metallothionein MT1B, suggesting that bacterial translocation to the liver, arising from an increased perturbation of the gut barrier, determines a ...
قبل 6 أيام · HIF-1alpha functions as a coactivator of the metallothionein gene transcription by interacting with MTF-1 during hypoxia. NFkappaB-mediated chemokine and ...
قبل 3 أيام · ... metal(loid) accumulation in the ovarian ... Kuo SM, Leavitt PS (1999) Genistein increases metallothionein expression in human intestinal cells, Caco-2.
قبل 4 أيام · A significant association between several bacterial genera and metallothionein 1B (MT1B), a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS), was found in liver ...
قبل 3 أيام · The form metallo- comes from Greek métallon, meaning “metal, mine, quarry. ... metallothionein. What are some other forms that metallo- may be commonly ...
قبل 5 أيام · We also observed two clusters with increased metallothionein gene expression, a cell state recently recognized as a recurrent neoplastic program in cancer ( ...
قبل 3 أيام · enrolled 760 patients with primary cutaneous melanoma in a prospective cohort study and found that increased levels of metallothionein—a protein to which ...
قبل 5 أيام · Further, recent studies have demonstrated that metallothionein immunohistochemistry has a high sensitivity for a diagnosis of WD, similar to that of ...